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EU Friday – 26 January 2024

EU Friday – 26 January 2024

EU Friday
Welcome to Better Europe's weekly update on EU Affairs. MEPS ACCEPT COMMISSION PROPOSAL TO DELAY SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING Sustainability reporting was high on the agenda of the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs this week, as it voted on the delay of sector-specific reporting standards and also discussed the 2024 Work Programme of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), who are currently providing technical advice to the Commission on the standards. MEPs agreed to accept the Commission proposal to delay by two years the adoption of sector-specific sustainability reporting standards, which is now envisaged for 2026. This vote is consistent with the Commission’s highly political push to reduce specific reporting obligations for EU companies in attempt to fight administrative burden. While MEPs accept the delay, they do suggest that the…
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EU Friday – 19 January 2024

EU Friday – 19 January 2024

EU Friday
Welcome to Better Europe's weekly update on EU Affairs. EUROPE BIDS GOODBYE TO OFFSETTING CLAIMS BY EMPOWERING CONSUMERS With an overwhelming majority, the Parliament this week adopted the agreement on the Empowering Consumers Directive (ECD) aimed at combatting greenwashing (for EU nerds, it amends the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive and the Consumers Rights Directive). The deal includes a ban on claims based on carbon offsetting and provisions to ensure that sustainability labels are based on a verified certification scheme. What does this mean in practice? As of 2026, when the rules are expected to apply, companies will no longer be allowed to claim that their products and/or services are “climate neutral” or “climate positive”. Companies can also no longer require consumers to replace parts or update software before it is…
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EU Friday – 12 January 2024

EU Friday – 12 January 2024

EU Friday
Welcome to Better Europe's weekly update on EU Affairs. MUSICAL CHAIRS FOR EUROPE’S TOP JOBS ACCELERATE DUE TO LIBERAL RESHUFFLE Winds of change are blowing over Europe’s highest political offices. European Council President Charles Michel announced last Sunday that he would soon leave his position to run as a candidate for the European Parliament elections in June. He is expected to head the list of the French-speaking Reformist Movement in Belgium, part of the Renew group in the Parliament, creating controversy around his ability to combine his campaign and his remaining responsibilities in the Council. Michel’s move also accelerates a Belgian game of musical chairs, as having him head a gender-alternated list projected at two seats means current Belgian Commissioner Didier Reynders could only land the third spot to become…
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“Engaging strategically at national level” – Impressions of the EU Academy

“Engaging strategically at national level” – Impressions of the EU Academy

EU Academy
I have worked with Estonian environmental organisations on a range of issues, including oil shale, woody biomass and fossil gas, to promote sustainable energy policies. Even though most emphasis has been on the national level, collaborating with the various EU institutions has not been uncommon. However, despite some experience, insufficient understanding of the broader context and EU processes has inhibited the effectiveness of the EU-level engagement. Participating in the April-May 2021 online edition of the EUAcademy, themed “Bursting the Brussels bubble - Advocating for the public good: a Member State perspective”, made me much more aware of how I can strategically engage at the national level to contribute to more just policies across the EU. The training addressed the shortcomings I experienced in my prior work and provided excellent insight…
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A Bruxelles, l’émergence de lobbyistes « éthiques » – Le Monde 28/08/2020

A Bruxelles, l’émergence de lobbyistes « éthiques » – Le Monde 28/08/2020

In the media
Les lobbyistes grouillent à Bruxelles, et ce n’est pas nouveau. L’ONG Transparency International estime qu’ils sont environ 38 000 à arpenter les rues de la capitale européenne pour influencer les processus législatifs. Parmi eux, on trouve de nouveaux personnages qui veulent accoler les qualificatifs « éthique » ou « durable » à ces pratiques si souvent décriées. ... L’objectif de tout bon lobbyiste, c’est d’avoir un impact. Pour ce faire, il faut connaître les rouages de la mécanique décisionnelle européenne, parfois sibylline. Joost Mulder est de ceux-là. The full article is available here.
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“Ready to make a difference” – Impressions of the EU Academy

“Ready to make a difference” – Impressions of the EU Academy

EU Academy
"In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity." read the slide of Sanjeev Kumar, quoting Einstein during his guest lecture at a recent EU Academy two-day course. Seizing opportunity, it would become clear, was the theme of this season's workshop, scheduled amidst a global pandemic. Masks were on. Hands were slick with sanitizer. Participants were sat in neat, socially-distanced rows. Still, we showed up, ready to learn under extraordinary circumstances. Introductions revealed that some of us had arrived without clear expectations. I was neither sure of what I was hoping to learn, nor confident that I had sufficient background in EU institutions to make sense of the presentations. Thankfully, our trainers Marc-Olivier Herman and Joost Mulder, were flexible and dynamic, able to zoom in and out of specificity and…
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“The right know-hows for our strategic review” – Impressions of the EU Academy

“The right know-hows for our strategic review” – Impressions of the EU Academy

EU Academy
The September 2020 EU Academy ‘Advocating for the public good in the wake of the coronavirus crisis’ gathered sixteen participants from diverse fields such as climate, sustainable development, and human rights. This was one of my first social experiences since the Coronavirus pandemic hit in March! Despite having learned about EU affairs at university, I lacked concrete knowledge about the EU institutions and on how NGOs can strategize to effectively engage with EU processes. Though I am still processing a lot of the information, I am confident that those two days of training have helped me acquire a great deal of practical and applicable knowledge thanks to the two well-experienced trainers – Marc and Joost, as well as insiders from the EU institutions. Learning about the functioning of the Council…
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“Step behind the scenes of EU advocacy” – Impressions of the EU Academy

“Step behind the scenes of EU advocacy” – Impressions of the EU Academy

The March EU Academy ‘Advocating for the public good: gearing up for the 2020 German Council Presidency’ gathered eighteen participants working on a variety of policy areas, such as climate, sustainable development, human rights and agriculture with varying levels of experience. Led by Marc-Olivier Herman and Joost Mulder, the training combined the essentials of EU decision-making, insights from Council representatives and key steps of an advocacy strategy in a uniquely interactive format. Exploring the role of the Council was undoubtedly a breath of fresh air as its importance in EU advocacy often gets overlooked. However, what made the training really stand out for me was that it went beyond facts and theory. Not only did it offer unique insights into the essentials on ‘when’, ‘how’ and ‘who’ in advocacy but…
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“A hands-on learning experience on EU advocacy” – Impressions of the EU Academy

“A hands-on learning experience on EU advocacy” – Impressions of the EU Academy

EU Academy, Uncategorized
On 10th March, I entered Holland House as a newcomer to Brussels in order to get a better understanding of the EU institutions. 1.5 days later, I left with an incredible amount of practical insights into EU advocacy, including new ideas as to how, when and who to engage with in the Brussels bubble, as well as a broadened network of key NGO people with great experiences in advocacy for the public good. In less than two days, I was given many more practical insights than in my Political Science and European Union studies at University thanks to the great practical knowledge of two EU-experienced trainers, insiders from different EU institutions, and from diverse participants working in fields such as human rights, the environment, corporate accountability and migration. They not…
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“Preparing for the incoming German presidency” – Impressions of the EU Academy

“Preparing for the incoming German presidency” – Impressions of the EU Academy

On the 10th of March, together with other participants from like-minded organisations, I was warmly welcomed by Marc, Lucy and Joost at Holland House to gear up for the 2020 German Council Presidency for what would be an interactive and intensive two-day training. Although I have some experience in EU advocacy, I never studied the EU institutions during my education. I lacked concrete insight into the different institutions and had little knowledge on the interactions between the Commission, Parliament and Council. Hence, I was happy to learn that the first half day of the course introduced us to this ‘golden triangle’ and the EU policy cycle. Marc and Joost took us on a journey to explore the EU ‘tube map’ and provided us with all the essentials of EU policy-making…
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