Brace yourself – elections are coming: Advocacy opportunities in 2023

Brace yourself – elections are coming: Advocacy opportunities in 2023

News, Opinion
While the European Parliament elections might still seem far away, recent developments reveal that the election season has already begun. Since the Qatargate scandal rocked the Parliament, political parties are publicly accusing one another in an effort to polish their image – a clear indication that the gates of the electoral arena have been opened. With the start of the election season, the time is right to look at the anticipated changes and plan your next advocacy steps. What is going to change? According to the latest polls of December 2022, five out of seven political groups are expected to lose seats in the next legislative period. Only the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) are foreseen to substantially win seats, although not as many as their national equivalents in some…
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EU Friday – 9 February 2024

EU Friday – 9 February 2024

EU Friday
Welcome to Better Europe's weekly update on EU Affairs. COMMISSION PLAN FOR 90% CARBON REDUCTION RELIES HEAVILY ON NET ZERO TECH The Commission’s 2040 climate target announced this week in Strasbourg, unlike the 2030 and 2050 goals, will not be enshrined in legislation. It heavily relies on two optimistic assumptions: full and effective implementation of the existing legislation, and speedy and successful roll out of “net zero” carbon technology, including carbon capture and storage. As expected, the Commission recommends 90% net greenhouse gas emissions reduction compared to 1990. Yet, it does not propose new policy measures, and it does not set any new sector-specific targets either, arguing that an extension of the current policies would already lead to an 88% reduction. As Climate Action Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra put it: “Tacking…
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EU Friday – 2 February 2024

EU Friday – 2 February 2024

EU Friday
Welcome to Better Europe's weekly update on EU Affairs. COMMISSION TO FOCUS ON CURRENT LEGISLATION TO MEET CLIMATE TARGET The Brussels bubble is eagerly awaiting the Commission’s official communication on the 2040 climate target due next Tuesday in Strasbourg – a leaked copy suggests that the headline figure will indeed be 90% of net greenhouse gas emissions reduction compared to 1990, building on the current 55% target for 2030. A 90% target would be in line with advice from the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change and the Commission’s own impact assessment. However, to meet the ambitious target, the Commission seems to simply rely on full implementation of existing legislation, along with an increased level of ambition in the adjusted National Energy and Climate Plans which will need to…
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EU Friday – 26 January 2024

EU Friday – 26 January 2024

EU Friday
Welcome to Better Europe's weekly update on EU Affairs. MEPS ACCEPT COMMISSION PROPOSAL TO DELAY SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING Sustainability reporting was high on the agenda of the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs this week, as it voted on the delay of sector-specific reporting standards and also discussed the 2024 Work Programme of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), who are currently providing technical advice to the Commission on the standards. MEPs agreed to accept the Commission proposal to delay by two years the adoption of sector-specific sustainability reporting standards, which is now envisaged for 2026. This vote is consistent with the Commission’s highly political push to reduce specific reporting obligations for EU companies in attempt to fight administrative burden. While MEPs accept the delay, they do suggest that the…
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EU Friday – 12 January 2024

EU Friday – 12 January 2024

EU Friday
Welcome to Better Europe's weekly update on EU Affairs. MUSICAL CHAIRS FOR EUROPE’S TOP JOBS ACCELERATE DUE TO LIBERAL RESHUFFLE Winds of change are blowing over Europe’s highest political offices. European Council President Charles Michel announced last Sunday that he would soon leave his position to run as a candidate for the European Parliament elections in June. He is expected to head the list of the French-speaking Reformist Movement in Belgium, part of the Renew group in the Parliament, creating controversy around his ability to combine his campaign and his remaining responsibilities in the Council. Michel’s move also accelerates a Belgian game of musical chairs, as having him head a gender-alternated list projected at two seats means current Belgian Commissioner Didier Reynders could only land the third spot to become…
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A Bruxelles, l’émergence de lobbyistes « éthiques » – Le Monde 28/08/2020

A Bruxelles, l’émergence de lobbyistes « éthiques » – Le Monde 28/08/2020

In the media
Les lobbyistes grouillent à Bruxelles, et ce n’est pas nouveau. L’ONG Transparency International estime qu’ils sont environ 38 000 à arpenter les rues de la capitale européenne pour influencer les processus législatifs. Parmi eux, on trouve de nouveaux personnages qui veulent accoler les qualificatifs « éthique » ou « durable » à ces pratiques si souvent décriées. ... L’objectif de tout bon lobbyiste, c’est d’avoir un impact. Pour ce faire, il faut connaître les rouages de la mécanique décisionnelle européenne, parfois sibylline. Joost Mulder est de ceux-là. The full article is available here.
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Highlights from the first three EU Academy trainings 2019-2020

Highlights from the first three EU Academy trainings 2019-2020

A diverse and eager group attended EUChanger’s first training in Brussels on 21 June 2019. Focussing on influencing for the public good in the post-election context, the first EU Academy attracted 20 participants active in a wide range of policy areas including: climate, energy, international development, corporate governance, sustainable finance, tax, and human rights. It was a packed day with expert input from Vote Watch Europe on the outcome of the May European elections, a dynamic training on EU influencing essentials drawing on the experience of EUChanger’s Marc-Olivier Herman and Better Europe’s Joost Mulder, a lunch debate with advisors of various EP political groups and a group simulation on a current legislative file. The feedback we received from many participants shows just how important this type of training is for…
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Lobbytijd bij toezichthouders en beleidsambtenaren kopen? – FTM

Lobbytijd bij toezichthouders en beleidsambtenaren kopen? – FTM

In the media
Public affairs-specialist Joost Mulder maakte de conferenties enkele keren van binnenuit mee. Jarenlang werkte hij voor de financiële lobbywaakhond Finance Watch; in die hoedanigheid kon hij als een van de weinige vertegenwoordigers van publieke organisaties af en toe een kijkje nemen op de bijeenkomsten. "Het is het beste voorbeeld van groepsdenken dat ik ken," vertelt hij op een herfstige namiddag in een Brusselse koffietent. Je moet het zien als een schoolreisje, of als heidagen. Alle ideeën komen in een snelkookpan terecht en aan het eind van de conferentie is iedereen het eens."  
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In the media, Opinion
Is lobbying a corporate affair? Lobbying and advocacy - is it all the same? What are the strenghts and weaknesses of NGOs, associations and businesses, and what can they learn from each other? (more…)
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