EU Friday – 11 October

EU Friday – 11 October

EU Friday
Welcome to Better Europe's weekly update on EU Affairs. ORBÁN'S SPEECH IN PARLIAMENT SPARKS CONFRONTATION WITH VON DER LEYEN During a tense Parliament plenary session on 9 October, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán outlined his priorities for Hungary's European Presidency which started in July, emphasizing stricter migration controls, energy cost management, and boosting competitiveness. He called for a ceasefire in Ukraine, as a military victory for Kyiv is unattainable in his view. While his rhetoric aimed to position Hungary as a stabilizing force, it drew immediate backlash from a large part of the hemicycle. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen challenged Orbán's stance, sharply criticizing his close relationship with Russia and accusing him of undermining EU solidarity in support of Ukraine. In a display of support, far-right MEPs rallied behind…
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